21 December 2009

Fun Times and Success Continues in IEEE 1901 Land....

Last week in Tel Aviv, IEEE 1901 accomplished an unprecedented feat. The accomplishment could be explained by nothing else but phenomenal, possible, because of the positive contributions and team spirit within the IEEE 1901 group.

IEEE 1901 had more than 3000 comments to be resolved in 4 months.
Many naysayers went in public and said it can’t be achieved. Some even gave the examples of other standards forum and mentioned that it would take alteast 3 years to resolve all those comments.

Well, the IEEE 901 group accepted it as a challenge and resolved all those comments in an unprecedented time period- 4 months.

Yes, the members worked hard, yes there were more than 20 hour calls a week, yes, there were some times, when we had to skip dinners and lunch, but we accomplished it all.

In Tel Aviv, the IEEE 1901 group also agreed with super-majority that all the comments were resolved to the satisfaction of the group.

This paves the path for final spec publication by middle of next year.

This goes again in the face of naysayers or people with other interests who have continuously tried to bring down the IEEE 1901 efforts. IEEE 1901 group has always emerged strongly and proved them wrong at every step.

Forgotten is the fact that IEEE 1901 in a year’s time frame has achieved that no other standards have been able to accomplish

In December of last year, IEEE 1901 baseline was confirmed and since then many positive things have been accomplished by the IEEE 1901 group
Letter Ballot
Support of Smart Grid Applications
Support of Lower Data rates Applications
Support of Transportation activities
Resolution of more than 3000 comments
Streamlining of specifications – removal of part that remained immature tied to other standards group.

The group decided in Tel Aviv to publish and allow sale of the IEEE 1901 Draft Specification V2.0 from IEEE website. The Draft Standard should be available for sale from January of next year. This is a very strong endorsement of the quality, robustness and maturity of the IEEE 1901 draft specifications.

As Aristotle has said:

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.

Well, for IEEE 1901 group it has become a habit to repeatedly deliver on excellence.

P. Raj